Natural Fertilizer Reviews
Best Fertilizers: Natural Solutions For Your Garden
ProtoGrow™ is the top rated, award winning natural fertilizer which contains the most effective ingredients for better tasting fruits and vegetables as well as rapid plant growth you can buy. From our findings, ProtoGrow is the only product available, which combines organic fish emulsion, liquified kelp, a special form of calcium, fulvic and humic acids, in a unique, synergistically balanced formula. This product has extremely effective ingredients for the earth conscious “non chemical” grower.
Our Readers Poll Choice:
Week of Monday, March 2, 2009
ProtoGrow™. This powerful product contains both organic fish emulsion and liquid kelp, making it a naturally safe and effective “all in one” natural fertilizer formula that’s designed to grow fruits and vegetables, as well as flowers, to full genetic expression. We have found that the ProtoGrow formula can provide better tasting garden produce, as well as nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables without the need for chemicals. The ProtoGrow website has testimonials from gardeners who have tried all the other products and now swear by this stuff. Some audio testimonials are also on the site. What the ProtoGrow customers are saying is enough to get your attention alone. We also appreciate a company who believes in their products so confidently that they provide a money-back-guarantee in the event someone is unsatisfied
Natural Fertilizer Growing Score:
Natural Fertilizer
Safety Rating:
Five Stars
Only comes in quart containers. Most serious gardeners who use natural fertilizers use alot of this product, so it would be better if it came in gallon or five gallon containers. Also, it’s not available in stores so you have to have it shipped.
KIK Organic fertilizer from The Compost Farm is highly concentrated, aged, well-broken down compost comparable to humic acid. This fertilizer is applied at a rate of ¼ cup per plant, per month. Because it is a compost-based product, the final analysis could vary from product to product, but the two samples we reviewed were consistent. This product is also an ideal natural fertilizer for houseplants or to make homemade compost tea.
Natural Fertilizer Growing Score:
Natural Fertilizer
Safety Rating:
Five Stars
The analysis can differ from batch to batch, requires a lot of product to work, and could be expensive to ship.
Natural Fertilizer Plus is a great one if you are looking for a quality natural fertilizer. In today’s natural fertilizer arena, full of so many options, it is refreshing to find a product so simple, safe and effective that it stands out from a very crowded marketplace. Natural Fertilizer Plus® is a relief for the consumer, who is often so confused by the many different formulas offered in the natural and organic fertilizer marketplace that they have no idea where to turn or what product to try. Natural Fertilizer Plus® contains nothing more than pure, certified cold water seaweed and organic fish emulsion in a high strength potency – backed by a year long 100% money-back guarantee. This is pure “natural fertilizer” at its finest.
Recently, seaweed fertilizers have been a craze of sorts. It is definitely the hottest ingredient that has hit the natural fertilizer scene in years. You may have heard about it on 60 minutes, news specials, or in endless magazine articles. We invite readers to take a closer look at this remarkable fertilizer, called the “miracle natural fertlilizer find of the century.”
Natural Fertilizer Growing Score:
Natural Fertilizer
Safety Rating:
Five Stars
A little pricey and comes only in liter containers.
Green Tek Total is a certified organic, liquid concentrate fertilizer and is versatile and easy to use. It is ideal for gardens, lawns, row crops and large-scale agriculture. It is different from other natural fertilizers because of the unique fermentation process used to make the product. It can be applied as a foliar spray, or directly to the soil where the plants grow. It contains a mix of micronutrients, and ingredients not always found in natural fertilizers, including: molasses and sugar cane.
Natural Fertilizer Growing Score:
Natural Fertilizer
Safety Rating:
Four Stars
If applying as a foliar spray, the smell can be overwhelming.
Fair. While this product is organic, it could cause problems if ingested in concentrate.
Neptune’s Harvest is great for pumpkins! Neptune’s Blend is a quality product at a very good price. You can check around on the price because more than a few distributors carry it. It mixes up well and we found it very easy to use.
Neptune’s Harvest Organic Fish/Seaweed Blend Natural Fertilizer gives you the best of both products with a nice blend of fish hydrolysate and seaweed. The folks we spoke to who used this product mainly used it for growing giant pumpkins and melons and said it worked great for that. We are trying it on our pumpkins this year and will publish pictures in the early fall. Very exciting! We also like this company’s dedication to quality.
Natural Fertilizer Growing Score:
Natural Fertilizer
Safety Rating:
Four Stars
Formula Needs Calcium in our opinion.
Spray N Grow is one of the most effective micronutrient natural fertilizer formulas we tested. We used it on almost everything in our garden but the peppers of all varieties seemed to respond best to this product. (Not sure why that was.) The fact that it comes in one gallon containers made us smile. Pay special attention to the water temperature when mixing Spray N Grow. It should be about 80 degrees F. You should also make sure the ph of the water is 7.1 or higher before mixing. Once mixed, it applied well. The company also has other fine products on their website which are worth checking out. The owner of the company seems to be very involved in the day-to-day activities of the company, which is great.
Natural Fertilizer Growing Score:
Natural Fertilizer
Safety Rating:
Four Stars
Squanto’s Secret was our runner up with most tests showing real visible plant growth after application. We didn’t like it quite as well as ProtoGrow but was easily the next best product we tried last growing season. We used it mainly on corn last season, so this year we are giving a little more exposure on some other vegetables. We will report the results at the end of the growing season. It generally works well in sprayers and out performed chemical formulas hands down in our corn tests. This product is not an “all in one” natural fertilizer however. It’s simply a great fish emulsion product. Customer reviews were also generally positive.
Natural Fertilizer Growing Score:
Natural Fertilizer
Safety Rating:
Three Stars
Not a full spectrum product. Fish Emulsion only.
SuperThrive works by utilizing natural hormones to stimulate plant growth. This product is not a true natural fertilizer as much as is it a growth stimulant or plant hormone. It works great on shrubs and trees but was a little less effective on fruits and vegetables than the other products we tested. All in all, the product has a nice customer base, who seem to be very loyal to the product. It works well on evergreens especially when they are small and in need of a boost.
Natural Fertilizer Growing Score:
Natural Fertilizer
Safety Rating:
Three Starts
Plant stimulant only, not a full spectrum fertilizer.
(Full Disclosure: Companies mentioned in this report could profit if you purchase their product.)
@2020 Safe Fertilizers Reviews